
Pullman takes an early lead in the Big Read sales race.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Pullman takes an early lead in the Big Read sales race.
Authors: Holman, Tom
Source: Bookseller. 11/7/2003, Issue 5102, p15-19. 5p. 12 Charts.
Abstract: The BBC's Big Read continues to provide a welcome filip for backlist paperback fiction, and it will be interesting to see how sales correspond to votes in the final stages of the campaign. All three books championed in the Big Read's first program on October 25, increased their sales week on week. Sebastian Faulks' book "Birdsong," sold 7,171 copies in the week to November 1, compared to 5,291 in the previous seven days and 1,242 the week before that, while the three leading editions of Jane Austen's book "Pride and Prejudice," saw cumulative sales rise from 1,482 to 2,359 units. But the biggest winner was Philip Pullman, whose book "His Dark Materials," saw its sales rocket from 18,314 to 28,632 copies.
Subject Terms: *Booksellers & bookselling
Reviews & Products: Birdsong (Book : Faulks), Pride & Prejudice (Book : Austen)
People: Pullman, Philip, 1946-
ISSN: 00067539
Database: Business Source Complete
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