American Egyptologist: The Life of James Henry Breasted and the Creation of His Oriental Institute By Jeffrey Abt. : University of Chicago Press , 2011 . Pp. xi + 510 ; maps and figures. Hardback, $45.00 . ISBN 9780226001104 ; Cloth (April 2013), $30.00 . ISBN 9780226045344 .

Bibliographic Details
Title: American Egyptologist: The Life of James Henry Breasted and the Creation of His Oriental Institute By Jeffrey Abt. : University of Chicago Press , 2011 . Pp. xi + 510 ; maps and figures. Hardback, $45.00 . ISBN 9780226001104 ; Cloth (April 2013), $30.00 . ISBN 9780226045344 .
Source: Near Eastern Archaeology (NEA), 2013 Dec 01. 76(4), 248-249.
Relation: American Egyptologist: The Life of James Henry Breasted and the Creation of His Oriental Institute By Jeffrey Abt. : University of Chicago Press , 2011 . Pp. xi + 510 ; maps and figures. Hardback, $45.00 . ISBN 9780226001104 ; Cloth (April 2013), $30.00 . ISBN 9780226045344 .
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ISSN: 1094207623255404
DOI: 10.5615/neareastarch.76.4.0248
Database: JSTOR Journals