FOL: A Language for Implementing File Organizations for Information Storage and Retrieval Systems. Technical Report No. CS73008-R.

Bibliographic Details
Title: FOL: A Language for Implementing File Organizations for Information Storage and Retrieval Systems. Technical Report No. CS73008-R.
Authors: Claybrook, Billy G., Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Univ., Blacksburg. Dept. of Computer Science.
Abstract: The computer language FOL is intended to facilitate the implementation of file organizations for information storage and retrieval systems. In many information storage and retrieval applications the designer, initially, does not know how best to organize a data base for efficient retrieval and ease of updating and modifying. It is felt that FOL will provide the designer with the tools for quickly implementing different file organizations during the experimentation stages of data base design. The paper includes a brief technical description of FOL, its intended uses, and the basic concepts involved in its development. (Author/DGC)
Peer Reviewed: N
Page Count: 15
Publication Date: 1973
Document Type: Reports - Research
Descriptors: Computer Programs, Databases, Information Processing, Information Retrieval, Information Storage, Information Systems, Programing Languages
Entry Date: 1975
Accession Number: ED100369
Database: ERIC