The War on Leakers: National Security and American Democracy, from Eugene V. Debs to Edward Snowden.

Bibliographic Details
Title: The War on Leakers: National Security and American Democracy, from Eugene V. Debs to Edward Snowden.
Authors: Baez, Diego
Source: Booklist, 15/02/2016, Vol. 112 Issue 12, p14-16, 2p
Abstract: A review of the book "The War on Leakers: National Security and American Democracy, From Eugene V. Debs to Edward Snowden," by Lloyd C. Gardner, is presented.
Subject Terms: WAR on Leakers: National Security & American Democracy, From Eugene v. Debs to Edward Snowden, The (Book), GARDNER, Lloyd C., OFFICIAL secrets, LEAKS (Disclosure of information), NONFICTION, HISTORY
Geographic Terms: UNITED States
ISSN: 00067385
Database: Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre