The Gallery.

Bibliographic Details
Title: The Gallery.
Authors: Goldman, Carol
Source: School Library Journal, 01/09/2016, Vol. 62 Issue 9, p50-54, 5p, 9 Color Photographs
Subject Terms: DRAW What You See: The Life & Art of Benny Andrews (Book), EDWARD Hopper Paints His World (Book), SKY Painter: Louis Fuertes, Bird Artist, The (Book), BENSON, Kathleen, 1947-, ANDREWS, Benny, 1930-2006, BURLEIGH, Robert, MINOR, Wendell, 1944-, ENGLE, Margarita, 1951-, BEREGHICI, Aliona, NONFICTION
ISSN: 03628930
Database: Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre
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