
Real Relief From Back Pain.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Real Relief From Back Pain. (cover story)
Authors: Carr, Teresa
Source: Consumer Reports, 01/06/2017, Vol. 82 Issue 6, p33-45, 13p, 2 Color Photographs, 5 Illustrations, 1 Graph
Abstract: The article focuses on research reflecting on advancements in treatment for back pain. It mentions that according to the American College of Physicians (ACP) primary care doctors issued guidelines for back-pain treatment recommending nondrug measures as first line of defense which includes physical therapy, spinal manipulation and yoga. It also presents the views of Richard Deyo, professor of evidence-based medicine at the Oregon Health and Science University, on treatment options.
Subject Terms: TREATMENT of backaches, PHYSICAL therapy, BACKACHE exercise therapy, SPINAL adjustment, YOGA, DEYO, Richard
ISSN: 00107174
Database: Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre
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