
WHAT MAKES A PURITAN SOCIETY? Are we living in a new age of puritanism? And how would we know if we were?

Bibliographic Details
Title: WHAT MAKES A PURITAN SOCIETY? Are we living in a new age of puritanism? And how would we know if we were?
Source: History Today, 01/08/2021, Vol. 71 Issue 8, p8-10, 3p
Abstract: The article presents the debating views of the authors on what makes a puritan society. Topics of discussion includes according to Crawford Gribben, Queen's University, Belfast, ‘Puritan societies were better kind of societies. According to Rebecca Warren, University of Kent, ‘Puritan societies have a thought police and mandatory religious worship. According to Malcolm Gaskill, University of East Anglia, civil and religious practice co exists in Puritan societies.
Subject Terms: PURITAN theology, PURITANS, SOCIETIES, FAITH, CIVIL procedure
ISSN: 00182753
Database: Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre