
BY HAMMER AND HAND: The blacksmith's shop at Teddington, on Banks Peninsula at the head of Lyttelton Harbour, has undergone a meticulous restoration, breathing new life into the ancientcraft of blacksmithing.

Bibliographic Details
Title: BY HAMMER AND HAND: The blacksmith's shop at Teddington, on Banks Peninsula at the head of Lyttelton Harbour, has undergone a meticulous restoration, breathing new life into the ancientcraft of blacksmithing.
Source: Heritage New Zealand, 01/05/2024, Issue 173, p44-47, 4p
Abstract: The article discusses the restoration of a blacksmith's shop at Teddington on Banks Peninsula, New Zealand.
Subject Terms: RETAIL stores, BLACKSMITHING
Geographic Terms: BANKS Peninsula (N.Z.)
ISSN: 11759615
Database: Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre