Top 10 Graphic Novels.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Top 10 Graphic Novels.
Source: Booklist, 15/03/2008, Vol. 104 Issue 14, p41-41, 1p, 1 Color Photograph
Abstract: The article reviews the books "Alias the Cat!," by Kim Deitch, "Alice in Sunderland," by Bryan Talbot, and "The Magical Life of Long Tack Sam," by Ann Marie Fleming.
Subject Terms: ALICE in Sunderland: An Entertainment (Book : Talbot), MAGICAL Life of Long Tack Sam: An Illustrated Memoir, The (Book), ALIAS the Cat! (Book), DEITCH, Kim, TALBOT, Bryan, FLEMING, Ann Marie, FICTION
ISSN: 00067385
Database: Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre