BOOK SIX: 'The Old Dead Tree and the Young Tree Green' 1916-1935: 'TUNE IN WITH BRITAIN.'.

Bibliographic Details
Title: BOOK SIX: 'The Old Dead Tree and the Young Tree Green' 1916-1935: 'TUNE IN WITH BRITAIN.'.
Authors: Clark, Manning
Source: Manning Clark's History of Australia: abridged by Michael Cathcart, 01/09/1993, p539-551, 13p
Abstract: Chapter 10 of the sixth part of the book "Manning Clark's History of Australia," abridged by Michael Cathcart is presented. The chapter focuses on the relationship of Australia with Great Britain during the 1930s. The new government under Joe Lyons announced on February 2, 1932 that it would seek a writ to force New South Wales to pay £958,763 due to the overseas bondholders. He also announced on February 10 that Stanley Melbourne Bruce would be stationed in London, England as resident minister.
Subject Terms: AUSTRALIAN foreign relations, BRITISH foreign relations, LYONS, Joseph Aloysius, 1879-1939, BONDHOLDERS, BRUCE, Stanley Melbourne
Geographic Terms: AUSTRALIA, UNITED Kingdom
Database: Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre