The Village: 400 Years of Beats and Bohemians, Radicals and Rogues--a History of Greenwich Village.

Bibliographic Details
Title: The Village: 400 Years of Beats and Bohemians, Radicals and Rogues--a History of Greenwich Village.
Authors: Seaman, Donna
Source: Booklist, 15/04/2013, Vol. 109 Issue 16, p19-19, 1/4p, 1 Color Photograph
Abstract: The article reviews the book "The Village: 400 Years of Beats and Bohemians, Radicals and Rogues--a History of Greenwich Village," by John Strausbaugh.
Subject Terms: VILLAGE: 400 Years of Beats & Bohemians, Radicals & Rogues: A History of Greenwich Village, The (Book), STRAUSBAUGH, John, NONFICTION, HISTORY
Geographic Terms: GREENWICH Village (New York, N.Y.)
ISSN: 00067385
Database: Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre