Core Collection: 10 Classic Books on Economics That All Libraries Should Own.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Core Collection: 10 Classic Books on Economics That All Libraries Should Own.
Authors: Hooper, Brad
Source: Booklist, 01/07/2013, Vol. 109 Issue 21, p21-21, 1p, 10 Color Photographs, 1 Chart
Abstract: The article presents a list books recommended for inclusion in economics collections for libraries including "The Age of Discontinuity," by Peter Drucker, "Capitalism and Freedom," by Milton Friedman, and "The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money," by John Maynard Keynes.
Subject Terms: AGE of Discontinuity: Guidelines to Our Changing Society, The (Book), CAPITALISM & Freedom (Book), GENERAL Theory of Employment, Interest & Money, The (Book : Keynes), DRUCKER, Peter F. (Peter Ferdinand), 1909-2005, FRIEDMAN, Milton, 1912-2006, KEYNES, John Maynard, 1883-1946, NONFICTION
ISSN: 00067385
Database: Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre