To Raise Up a Nation: John Brown, Frederick Douglass, and the Making of a Free Country.

Bibliographic Details
Title: To Raise Up a Nation: John Brown, Frederick Douglass, and the Making of a Free Country.
Authors: Freeman, Jay
Source: Booklist, 15/09/2013, Vol. 110 Issue 2, p19-19, 1/6p
Abstract: The article reviews the book "To Raise Up a Nation: John Brown, Frederick Douglass, and the Making of a Free Country," by William S. King.
Subject Terms: TO Raise up a Nation: John Brown, Frederick Douglass & the Making of a Free Country (Book), KING, William S., BROWN, John, 1800-1859, DOUGLASS, Frederick, 1818-1895, NONFICTION
ISSN: 00067385
Database: Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre