Ryan O’Neal, Hollywood star with tempestuous life, dies

Bibliographic Details
Title: Ryan O’Neal, Hollywood star with tempestuous life, dies
Source: Sunday Star-Times, 10/12/2023, p55
Abstract: Ryan O’Neal, a boyishly handsome and athletic star of 1970s films, notably Love Story and Paper Moon, but whose erratic talent and tempestuous personal life eclipsed his promise, has died. He was 82. O’Neal had long been a familiar presence in the tabloid media for his playboy lifestyle, flaring temper, and indulgence in drugs and alcohol. He embraced his reputation as a ladies’ man, squiring a succession of models and actresses. He supported the acting careers of some of his children, but admitted that it caused great tensions in his family when his daughter Tatum won an Academy Award at 10 for her performance alongside him in 1973’s Paper Moon. After his decline in the 1970s, O’Neal starred in a smattering of comedies. In recent years, he had a recurring role on TV shows, including the Fox series Bones. O’Neal served time briefly in jail in 1960, after he assaulted a stranger at a New Year’s Eve party. In 2007, he fired a gun during an argument with his son Griffin. In 2009, he pleaded guilty to drug possession after police found methamphetamine at his home in Malibu, California.
ISSN: 11729740
Database: Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre
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