The Civil War's history today

Bibliographic Details
Title: The Civil War's history today
Authors: The Washington Post
Source: Washington Post, The, 14/07/2015
Abstract: In his July 12 Sunday Opinion essay, "A Civil War corrective," Hugh Howard accurately described the pro-slavery basis for Southern secession and the broad opposition to abolitionism in the North before the Civil War. But his insistence that "there was nothing resembling an anti-slavery consensus in the North" is not accurate. A majority of people in Northern states rejected immediate abolition of slavery and social equality for African Americans, but by 1860 Abraham Lincoln and his Republican Party had clearly articulated a coherent ideology that opposed slavery on moral, economic and political grounds. They did not revere the Union merely as an abstract political structure but as a means to secure liberty and equal opportunity, principles to which slavery was fundamentally antagonistic. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
Database: Australia/New Zealand Reference Centre
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