The politics of explanation: histories of the European Left and Israel.

Bibliographic Details
Title: The politics of explanation: histories of the European Left and Israel.
Authors: Gjerde, Åsmund Borgen1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Rethinking History. Sep2017, Vol. 21 Issue 3, p439-454. 16p.
Subject Terms: *NONFICTION
Reviews & Products: EUROPEAN Left & Israel: Between Solidarity & Delegitimization, The (Book), FROM Ambivalence to Betrayal: The Left, the Jews & Israel (Book), BRITISH Left & Zionism: History of a Divorce, The (Book)
People: SHINDLER, Colin, WISTRICH, Robert S., 1945-2015, KELEMEN, Paul
ISSN: 13642529
DOI: 10.1080/13642529.2017.1342956
Database: Academic Search Index