Academic Journal

引領學術研究:臺灣TSSCI期刊發表之學術倫理 相關規範初探.

Bibliographic Details
Title: 引領學術研究:臺灣TSSCI期刊發表之學術倫理 相關規範初探.
Authors: 摘 要1
Source: Journal of Library & Information Studies. Dec2022, Vol. 20 Issue 2, p95-127. 33p.
Subject Terms: *SCHOLARLY periodicals, *SCHOLARLY publishing, *CONFLICT of interests, *PERIODICAL publishing, *GOVERNMENT liability, *PLAGIARISM
Alternate Title: Leading Academic Research: A Preliminary Study of Taiwan Social Sciences Citation Index-Listed Journals' Policies Regarding Academic Ethics.
Abstract (English): This study aims to explore the publishing policies and submission guidelines of 110 academic journals covered in the Taiwan Social Sciences Citation Index (TSSCI) during 2018 and 2019. Using document analysis, information regarding academic ethics and copyright are analyzed. The results indicate that most of the journals emphasize manuscript originality. In addition, about 40% of journals clearly indicates that authors are obliged to avoid plagiarism and provide proper and accurate citation. Less than 30% of journals specifically state the obligations and responsibilities of scholarly authors. More than 40% of journals set up regulations for co-authorship. Less than 30% of journals clearly state that authors need to make a conflict-of-interest disclosure. Still a few journals use vague or imprecise legal terms in their policies. Based on the results, this study further provides practical advice in academic publishing. Specific suggestions include providing complete submission instructions and revising them in a timely manner, reviewing journal publishing ethics and operating policy to keep in line with international practices, and formulating regulations in response to the various scholarship and journal publishing movements. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Abstract (Chinese): 本研究以臺灣社會科學核心期刊(Taiwan Social Sciences Citation Index, TSSCI)於 2018至2019年收錄之110本期刊為研究標的, 採用文件分析法, 就期刊規範中有關學術倫 理、著作權相關要求與規範進行分析討論。研究結果顯示, 在110本期刊中, 多數強調投 稿著作之原創性;約四成清楚表明作者要善盡引用資料之責, 不可抄襲或剽竊;另有約三 成特別載明論文作者的義務與責任, 超過四成則是對共同作者有相關規範;不到三成有明 文要求揭露經費來源與利益衝突。依據研究結果, 本文提出學術期刊出版之實務建議, 包 含提供完整充足規範並適時修正;檢視出版倫理與編輯實務去修正規範以處理違反學術倫 理案件;參考與接軌國際, 強化經營管理之效;面對各式開放理念與出版新趨勢, 及早因 應研擬規範。. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
ISSN: 16067509
DOI: 10.6182/jlis.202212_20(2).095
Database: Academic Search Index