Academic Journal

Radford's theory of objectification: a cultural-historical theory of learning, knowing, and becoming: The theory of objectification: a Vygotskian perspective on knowing and becoming in mathematics teaching and learning, by Luis Radford, Brill/Sense (Volume 4 in Semiotic Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics.), Leiden, The Netherlands, 2021, xvi+259 pp., $73.00, ISBN 978-90-04-45964-9 (Paperback)

Bibliographic Details
Title: Radford's theory of objectification: a cultural-historical theory of learning, knowing, and becoming: The theory of objectification: a Vygotskian perspective on knowing and becoming in mathematics teaching and learning, by Luis Radford, Brill/Sense (Volume 4 in Semiotic Perspectives on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics.), Leiden, The Netherlands, 2021, xvi+259 pp., $73.00, ISBN 978-90-04-45964-9 (Paperback)
Authors: Fried, Michael N.1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Mathematical Thinking & Learning. Oct-Dec2023, Vol. 25 Issue 4, p481-486. 6p.
Subject Terms: *MATHEMATICS, *PHILOSOPHY of science, *SOCIAL theory, *POLYGONAL numbers, *LEARNING
Geographic Terms: LEIDEN (Netherlands)
Reviews & Products: THEORY of Objectification: A Vygotskian Perspective on Knowing & Becoming in Mathematics Teaching & Learning, The (Book)
ISSN: 10986065
DOI: 10.1080/10986065.2021.1984070
Database: Academic Search Index