Academic Journal

Signature Specimen: The Gold Horn: At the Mineralogical & Geological Museum, Harvard University.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Signature Specimen: The Gold Horn: At the Mineralogical & Geological Museum, Harvard University.
Authors: Francis, Carl A.1 (AUTHOR), Alonso-Perez, Raquel2 (AUTHOR), Rakovan, John3 (AUTHOR)
Source: Rocks & Minerals. Mar/Apr2024, Vol. 99 Issue 2, p176-180. 5p.
Abstract: The article discusses a signature specimen called the Gold Horn, which is a wire of gold from the Ground Hog mine in Colorado. The Gold Horn is known for its unique wire habit, with tight curls at the ends. It is considered the world's rarest form of gold. The article also mentions the history of the specimen, its exhibition at various museums and shows, and recent scientific research conducted on its internal structure and chemistry. The Gold Horn has both natural and social histories, making it a valuable and fascinating museum object. [Extracted from the article]
Subject Terms: *GOLD, *PHYSICAL geology, *GEMS & precious stones, *SILVER-gold alloys, *NEUTRON resonance
Company/Entity: HARVARD University
ISSN: 00357529
DOI: 10.1080/00357529.2024.2281180
Database: Academic Search Index