Academic Journal

The Russian Military's Biological Warfare Disinformation Campaign and the Russo-Ukrainian War.

Bibliographic Details
Title: The Russian Military's Biological Warfare Disinformation Campaign and the Russo-Ukrainian War.
Authors: Cigar, Norman (AUTHOR)
Source: Journal of Slavic Military Studies. October-December 2023, Vol. 36 Issue 4, p361-409. 49p.
Abstract: As part of its war effort in Ukraine following its invasion in February 2022, the Russian military has had the lead on a psychological operations (PSYOP) campaign of disinformation focused on claims of an alleged U.S.-run biological warfare program in Ukraine. This study analyzes the mechanics and content of this effort in terms of objectives, target audiences, key communicators, themes, dissemination methods, and measures of effectiveness and assesses its results, concluding that while considerable assets have been invested in this PSYOP campaign in support of the overall Russian war effort, and despite some tactical impact, greater success has been elusive due to the campaign's flawed assumptions and structure. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Subject Terms: *BIOLOGICAL warfare, *RUSSIAN invasion of Ukraine, 2022-, *DISINFORMATION, *WAR, RUSSIAN armed forces
Geographic Terms: UKRAINE
ISSN: 13518046
DOI: 10.1080/13518046.2023.2305511
Database: Academic Search Index