
From Surreal Stand-Up to Oscar-Winning Megastar.

Bibliographic Details
Title: From Surreal Stand-Up to Oscar-Winning Megastar.
Source: Hollywood Reporter. 8/22/2014, Vol. 420 Issue 29, p48-51. 4p. 6 Color Photographs, 2 Black and White Photographs.
Abstract: The article reflects on different roles American comedian Robin Williams during his career in the Hollywood including a stand-up comedian at the Holy City Zoo comedy club in San Francisco, California in 1977, in the film "Popeye" in 1980 and in the film "Good Morning, Vietnam" in 1987.
Reviews & Products: Popeye (Film), Good Morning, Vietnam (Film)
People: Williams, Robin, 1951-2014
ISSN: 00183660
Database: Business Source Complete
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