Near Abroad: Putin, the West and the Contest Over Ukraine and the Caucasus: by Gerard Toal, Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press, 2017, 387 pp., photos, maps, graphs, tables, notes, index. £22.99 (hardback), ISBN 9780190253301; £16.99 (paperback), ISBN 9780190069513

Bibliographic Details
Title: Near Abroad: Putin, the West and the Contest Over Ukraine and the Caucasus: by Gerard Toal, Oxford, UK, Oxford University Press, 2017, 387 pp., photos, maps, graphs, tables, notes, index. £22.99 (hardback), ISBN 9780190253301; £16.99 (paperback), ISBN 9780190069513
Authors: Travis, Charles1 (AUTHOR)
Source: Eurasian Geography & Economics. Apr2021, Vol. 62 Issue 2, p227-228. 2p.
Abstract: Gearóid Ó Tuathail (Gerard Toal) the esteemed Irish political geographer has delivered a I tour-de-force i in I Near Abroad: Putin, the West and the Contest Over Ukraine and the Caucasus i . Ó Tuathail admits that by focusing specifically on the Ukraine, Georgia and Russia, he slights the latter's intransiengence toward Moldova, the Baltic Countries, Armenia and Azerbaijan. The same year, the Bucharest Declaration placed Ukraine and Georgia on a path to North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) accession and conflict with Putin. [Extracted from the article]
Geographic Terms: Caucasus
Company/Entity: Oxford University Press 001468149
Reviews & Products: Near Abroad: Putin, the West & the Contest Over Ukraine & the Caucasus (Book)
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ISSN: 15387216
DOI: 10.1080/15387216.2020.1721309
Database: Business Source Complete