Academic Journal

Expanding AMJ'S Manuscript Portfolio: Research Methods Articles Designed to Advance Theory and Span Boundaries.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Expanding AMJ'S Manuscript Portfolio: Research Methods Articles Designed to Advance Theory and Span Boundaries.
Authors: Gruber, Marc1 (AUTHOR), Bliese, Paul2 (AUTHOR)
Source: Academy of Management Journal. Feb2024, Vol. 67 Issue 1, p1-4. 4p.
Abstract: An editorial is presented which discusses the journal's decision to broaden its publication scope to incorporate methodological articles, as approved by the Academy of Management (AOM) board of governors. Four new editors with specialized proficiency centered on methodological articles will be joining the journal's editorial team.
Subject Terms: Research methodology, Management periodicals, Scholarly publishing, Periodical editors
ISSN: 00014273
DOI: 10.5465/amj.2024.4001
Database: Business Source Complete
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