Academic Journal

Community-Based Tourism and Best Practices with the Sustainable Development Goals.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Community-Based Tourism and Best Practices with the Sustainable Development Goals.
Authors: Abreu, Leonilo Alves de1 (AUTHOR), Walkowski, Marinês da Conceição1 (AUTHOR), Perinotto, André Riani Costa1,2 (AUTHOR), Fonseca, Júlia Fragoso da3 (AUTHOR)
Source: Administrative Sciences (2076-3387). Feb2024, Vol. 14 Issue 2, p36. 17p.
Abstract: Community-based tourism (CBT) operates on a paradigm of community self-governance wherein traditional communities assume the role of instigators and protagonists in the realm of tourism within their territories. Within this framework, CBT emerges as a means of realizing the sustainable development goals (SDGs) articulated in the United Nations' Agenda 2030, outlined in 2015. The present study aims to compare three TBC communities with the SDG criteria and their contribution to the 2023 Agenda. To achieve this aim, we employed a methodological approach rooted in case study, leveraging secondary sources and adopting a qualitative methodology. The principal findings underscore that the three scrutinized CBT communities—Tekoá-Pirá, Chã de Jardim, and Amucafé, located in Brazil—directly contribute to the attainment of seven SDGs and indirectly influence two others. As prospective research avenues, we advocate exploring additional initiatives and implementing empirical studies to delve more profoundly into the realities of these communities. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Subject Terms: *Sustainable development, *Best practices, *Tourism, Sustainability, Self-management (Psychology)
Geographic Terms: Brazil
Company/Entity: United Nations
Reviews & Products: Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations)
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ISSN: 20763387
DOI: 10.3390/admsci14020036
Database: Business Source Complete
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