
Your Brain Can Only Take So Much Focus.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Your Brain Can Only Take So Much Focus.
Source: Harvard Business Review. Spring2024 Special issue, p45-47. 3p. 1 Color Photograph.
Abstract: This article discusses how crucial the ability to focus is for excellence, and is supported by techniques like to-do lists and calendars. However, excessive focus can deplete the brain's circuits, leading to energy drain, impulsive behavior, and reduced collaboration. Recent research suggests that both focus and unfocus are essential for optimal brain function. The brain operates optimally when toggling between focus and unfocus, activating the default mode network (DMN) during unfocused moments. The DMN, previously considered the "do mostly nothing" circuit, utilizes energy to activate old memories, enhance self-awareness, and foster creative solutions. Unfocus enhances resilience, creativity, and decision making. The author presents several techniques including positive constructive daydreaming, napping, and pretending to be someone else which can effectively engage the DMN, preserving focus and enhancing creativity, agility, and decision-making.
Subject Terms: *Decision making, Brain physiology, Attention, Default mode network, Creative ability
ISSN: 00178012
Database: Business Source Complete
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