
No Factory Boom Here.

Bibliographic Details
Title: No Factory Boom Here.
Authors: Donnan, Shawn, Niquette, Mark
Source: Bloomberg Businessweek. 4/8/2024, Issue 4816, p26-30. 5p. 6 Color Photographs, 2 Graphs.
Abstract: The article talks about the manufacturing renaissance initiated by U.S. President Joe Biden and how it has benefited some states but skipped Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, three election battleground states with proud industrial past. Cited are the success of Biden's first-term agenda to bring middle-class factory jobs home and reshore strategic industries, and the political consequences of Biden's failure to bring factory boom to swing states in America's Rust Belt.
Subject Terms: *Supply-side economics, *Layoffs, *Industrial sites, Suburbs, Mayors, Black people, Democrats (United States)
Company/Entity: University of Wisconsin (Madison, Wis.)
People: Biden, Joe, 1942-
ISSN: 00077135
Database: Business Source Complete
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