
IACP group gets taste of Sweden's destinations, delicacies.

Bibliographic Details
Title: IACP group gets taste of Sweden's destinations, delicacies.
Authors: Friedman, Amanda Oslé
Source: Nation's Restaurant News. 11/14/2005, Vol. 39 Issue 46, p64-66. 2p. 6 Color Photographs.
Abstract: Highlights the five-day tour of the members of the International Association of Culinary Professionals in Stockholm, Sweden. Host of the event; Statement of Bo Masser, member of the welcoming committee, regarding the aim of the tour; Details on the destinations of the tourists.
Subject Terms: *Tours, *Sightseeing business, Tourists
Geographic Terms: Stockholm (Sweden), Sweden
Company/Entity: International Association of Culinary Professionals
ISSN: 00280518
Database: Business Source Complete