
New routes to market.

Bibliographic Details
Title: New routes to market.
Authors: Elliott, Giles
Source: Bookseller. 1/27/2006 Supplement, p10-12. 2p. 5 Charts.
Abstract: The article reports on the problems faced by travel publishers during the year 2005. After reaching a record high in 2004, sales of travel books, maps and atlases suffered by comparison in 2005, a year that was marked by natural disasters that hit global tourism. Revenue through BookScan's various categories in the travel genre fell by 5.6 per cent to 120.6 million pounds, although part of this can be attributed to the lack of a travel blockbuster for the Christmas market. Michael Palin's "Himalaya" and "Long Way Round," by Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman are in the top 10 travel literature titles of the year in both their 2004 hardback and 2005 paperback editions, exposing the lack of new titles. But publishers are finding new ways to reach customers, and travel books continue to move away from their traditional heartland.
Subject Terms: *Publishing, *Natural disasters, Travel writing
Company/Entity: Nielsen Book Services Ltd.
Reviews & Products: Himalaya (Book), Long Way Round (Book)
ISSN: 00067539
Database: Business Source Complete
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