
Laughing all the way to the bank.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Laughing all the way to the bank.
Authors: Sanderson, Caroline
Source: Bookseller. 7/11/2008, Issue 5340, p34-40. 5p.
Abstract: This article discusses the popularity and rise in sales of humorous books during the Christmas season. Books expected for the 2008 holiday include "Things Ain't What They Used to Be," by Philip Glenister and "The Pub Landlord's Book of British Common Sense," by Al Murray. Also discussed is the deaths of authors Miles Kington, Alan Coren, and Humphrey Lyttleton who each have final books set for publication.
Subject Terms: *Booksellers & bookselling, Humor in literature, Christmas
Reviews & Products: Things Ain't What They Used to Be (Book), Pub Landlord's Book of British Common Sense, The (Book)
People: Glenister, Philip, Lyttleton, Humphrey, Murray, Al
ISSN: 00067539
Database: Business Source Complete
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