
The price of fame.

Bibliographic Details
Title: The price of fame.
Authors: Stone, Philip
Source: Bookseller. 4/3/2009, Issue 5376, p45-45. 1/2p.
Abstract: The article discusses sales of celebrity memoirs in Great Britain. The author notes the success of the bestselling memoirs "At My Mother's Knee," by Paul O'Grady and "The Sound of Laughter," by Peter Kay. He comments on how the ranking of the memoirs would be different if it were measured by the selling price of the books and notes the difficulty of independent booksellers to sell the memoirs due to discounts by publishers and bookstore chains.
Subject Terms: Memoirs, Best sellers, Celebrities' writings, Book sales & prices
Reviews & Products: Sound of Laughter, The (Book)
ISSN: 00067539
Database: Business Source Complete
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