
Cutting to the crunch.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Cutting to the crunch.
Authors: Stone, Philip
Source: Bookseller. 4/24/2009, Issue 5379, p39-39. 1/2p.
Abstract: The article discusses books released in 2009 that deal with a worldwide credit crisis and economic recession. The author details the twenty most popular books concerning the subject, including "Who Runs Britain?" by Robert Peston, "The Long and the Short of It," by John Kay, and "The Two Trillion Dollar Meltdown," by Charles R. Morris.
Subject Terms: *Book industry, *Recessions
Reviews & Products: Who Runs Britain? (Book), Long & the Short of It, The (Book), Two Trillion-Dollar Meltdown, The (Book)
People: Peston, Robert, 1960-, Morris, Charles R., Kay, John
ISSN: 00067539
Database: Business Source Complete
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