
Allworth Press: Helping Artists Live in the Real World.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Allworth Press: Helping Artists Live in the Real World.
Authors: Thornton, Matthew
Source: Publishers Weekly. 6/15/2009, Vol. 256 Issue 24, p8-8. 3/4p.
Abstract: The article features publishing company Allworth Press. The company was established by Tad Crawford in 1989 in an effort to create a firm that will offer practical advice to the creative profession. It shifted its distribution company from Watson-Guptill to Random House Publishing Service in April 2009. In its 20th anniversary, Crawford claims that the company has maintained survival skills and business practices as their main focus.
Subject Terms: *Publishing, Anniversaries
Company/Entity: Allworth Communications Inc. , Random House Inc. 001504455
People: Crawford, Tad
ISSN: 00000019
Database: Business Source Complete
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