

Bibliographic Details
Source: Bookseller. 10/29/2010, Issue 5454, p26-27. 2p. 2 Charts, 1 Graph.
Abstract: The article reports on the market performance of history and politics books in 2010. On September 4, 2010, sales of history and military books decreased by three percent year-on-year. Such books include "At Home," "D-Day" and "The Audacity of Hope." Charts that list the top history and political books in terms of sales are presented. The article also reviews some history and military books, such as "Tommy' Ark: Soldiers and Their Animals in the Great War," by Richard van Emden, and "London Under," by Peter Ackroyd.
Subject Terms: *Booksellers & bookselling, Political science literature
Reviews & Products: At Home (Book), Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream, The (Book), Tommy's Ark: Soldiers & Their Animals in the Great War (Book)
ISSN: 00067539
Database: Business Source Complete
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