
Ever onward….

Bibliographic Details
Title: Ever onward….
Authors: Broadhurst, Sarah
Source: Bookseller. 10/22/2010, Issue 5453, p24-30. 7p.
Abstract: The article previews various books to be launched in February 2011, including "The Brightest Star in the Sky," by Marian Keyes, "The Last Letter From Your Lover," by Jojo Moyes and "I Think I Love You," by Allison Pearson.
Subject Terms: Books
Reviews & Products: Brightest Star in the Sky, The (Book), Last Letter From Your Lover, The (Book), I Think I Love You (Book : Pearson)
People: Keyes, Marian, 1963-, Moyes, Jojo, 1969-, Pearson, Allison, 1960-
ISSN: 00067539
Database: Business Source Complete
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