Book review: Martin Upchurch, Graham Taylor and Andrew Mathers The Crisis of Social Democratic Trade Unionism in Western Europe: The Search for Alternatives, Ashgate: London, 2009, 226 pp: 9780754670537 £55 (hbk).

Bibliographic Details
Title: Book review: Martin Upchurch, Graham Taylor and Andrew Mathers The Crisis of Social Democratic Trade Unionism in Western Europe: The Search for Alternatives, Ashgate: London, 2009, 226 pp: 9780754670537 £55 (hbk).
Authors: Bruff, Ian1
Source: Capital & Class. Jun2011, Vol. 35 Issue 2, p320-322. 3p.
Abstract: The article reviews the book "The Crisis of Social Democratic Trade Unionism in Western Europe: The Search for Alternatives," by Martin Upchurch, Graham Taylor and Andrew Mathers.
Subject Terms: Social democracy, Nonfiction
Reviews & Products: Crisis of Social Democratic Trade Unionism in Western Europe: The Search for Alternatives, The (Book)
People: Upchurch, Martin, Taylor, Graham, Mathers, Andrew
ISSN: 03098168
DOI: 10.1177/03098168110350020904
Database: Business Source Complete