
Bibliographic Details
Title: Reviews.
Source: Labour History Review (Maney Publishing). Aug2011, Vol. 76 Issue 2, p176-180. 5p.
Abstract: The article reviews several books including "Regulating Health and Safety in the British Mining Industries, 1800-1914" by Catherine Mills, "Why David Sometimes Wins: Leadership, Organization, and Strategy in the California Farm Worker Movement" by Marshall Ganz, and "Popular Culture and Working-Class Taste in Britain, 1930-1939: A Round of Cheap Diversions?" by Robert James.
Subject Terms: Nonfiction
Reviews & Products: Regulating Health & Safety in the British Mining Industries 1800-1914 (Book), Why David Sometimes Wins: Leadership, Organization & Strategy in the California Farm Worker Movement (Book), Popular Culture & Working-Class Taste in Britain 1930-1939: A Round of Cheap Diversions? (Book)
People: Mills, Catherine, Ganz, Marshall, James, Robert
ISSN: 09615652
DOI: 10.1179/174581811X13063237707087
Database: Business Source Complete