
IPE -- Just Do It.

Bibliographic Details
Title: IPE -- Just Do It.
Source: Access. Aug2017, Vol. 31 Issue 7, p10-12. 3p.
Abstract: The article discusses importance of interprofessional education (IPE) to the delivery of safe, quality health care. Topics discussed include advocacy of American Dental Hygienists' Association (ADHA) for evidence-based oral health management strategies for prevention of oral and systemic diseases; the Commission on Dental Accreditation (CODA) Standard and incorporation of IPE into the curriculum at Georgia Highlands College (GHC).
Subjects: COMMUNICATION, CURRICULUM planning, DENTAL hygiene education, DENTAL hygienists, HEALTH occupations schools, HEALTH occupations students, INTERDISCIPLINARY education, INTERPROFESSIONAL relations, JUNIOR college students, ASSOCIATE degree nursing education, CASE studies, NURSING schools, NURSING students, ALLIED health education, CLINICAL competence, EDUCATION
Geographic Terms: GEORGIA
ISSN: 10500758
Database: Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source