Academic Journal

Effectiveness of "SIAP" Infection Control Methods to Reduce Microorganism Contamination in Dental Practice at Primary Healthcare Center.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Effectiveness of "SIAP" Infection Control Methods to Reduce Microorganism Contamination in Dental Practice at Primary Healthcare Center.
Source: Journal of International Dental & Medical Research. 2023, Vol. 16 Issue 4, p1602-1609. 8p.
Abstract: Infection prevention and control is an important measure in the field of dentistry to prevent the contamination and spread of microorganisms in the dental practice. Quasy Experimental research was conducted in 28 primary health care facilities in Semarang City. Interventions conducted from May to July 2023. Data collection is carried out by daily swabbing of the surface of the dental unit at lamp holders and dental seats. Swabbing will be performed using standard food and surface swabbing techniques. Bacteria counts were performed using a Colony Counter and results were reported in the form of colony forming units (CFU). In both the control and experiment groups, the number of microorganisms on the surface of the dental unit decreased. However, in the experiment group, there was a significant decrease in the number of microorganisms on the dental seat (p=0.000) and dental lamp (p=0.000). The decrease in the number of microorganisms on the dental seat in the experiment group was 58571 CFU/10µl (pre), 18357 CFU/10µl (trial) and 11786 CFU/10µl (post). Meanwhile, the decrease in the number of microorganisms in the lamp handle in the experiment group was 62857 CFU/10µl (pre), 18571 CFU/10µl (trial), and 15857 CFU/10µl (post), respectively. The infection control method is effective in reducing the number of microorganisms on the surface of dental seat and lamp handle in the dental unit. So it is important to implement comprehensive infection control measures to prevent contamination by microorganisms in dental and oral health facilities. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Subjects: MICROBIAL contamination, INFECTION control, PRACTICE of dentistry, HEALTH facilities, INFECTION prevention
ISSN: 1309100X
Database: Dentistry & Oral Sciences Source