Academic Journal

Differences and Similarities in Perceptions of Hotel Experience: The Role of National Cultures.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Differences and Similarities in Perceptions of Hotel Experience: The Role of National Cultures.
Authors: Zhang, Ziqiong, Li, Hengyun, Law, Rob
Source: Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing; 2015 Supplement, Vol. 32, pS2-S14, 0p
Abstract: This study focuses on demonstrating the differences and similarities between and among Western and Asian customers in terms of travelers’ evaluation of satisfaction, perceived value, and attribute quality in a Hong Kong hotel setting. It has been noted that national culture has a substantial impact on travelers’ expectations and perceptions. The results show that satisfaction, perceived value, and hotel attribute evaluations are significantly higher for Western than Asian travelers. We also found considerable similarities between Australian, Canadian, and British travelers and also between Singaporean and Chinese travelers. In addition, American travelers’ ratings are closest to the average of the total sample compared with travelers from other countries, while Japanese travelers demonstrate the highest expectations and needs among the target nations. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Subject Terms: ETHNIC differences, TRAVELERS, MULTICULTURALISM, CUSTOMER satisfaction, CROSS-cultural differences
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ISSN: 10548408
DOI: 10.1080/10548408.2014.959153
Database: Complementary Index