Academic Journal

Facilitating Low-Carbon Living? A Comparison of Intervention Measures in Different Community-Based Initiatives.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Facilitating Low-Carbon Living? A Comparison of Intervention Measures in Different Community-Based Initiatives.
Authors: Schäfer, Martina, Hielscher, Sabine, Haas, Willi, Hausknost, Daniel, Leitner, Michaela, Kunze, Iris, Mandl, Sylvia
Source: Sustainability (2071-1050); Apr2018, Vol. 10 Issue 4, p1047, 1p
Abstract: The challenge of facilitating a shift towards sustainable housing, food and mobility has been taken up by diverse community-based initiatives ranging from “top-down” approaches in low-carbon municipalities to “bottom-up” approaches in intentional communities. This paper compares intervention measures in four case study areas belonging to these two types, focusing on their potential of re-configuring daily housing, food, and mobility practices. Taking up critics on dominant intervention framings of diffusing low-carbon technical innovations and changing individual behavior, we draw on social practice theory for the empirical analysis of four case studies. Framing interventions in relation to re-configuring daily practices, the paper reveals differences and weaknesses of current low-carbon measures of community-based initiatives in Germany and Austria. Low-carbon municipalities mainly focus on introducing technologies and offering additional infrastructure and information to promote low-carbon practices. They avoid interfering into residents’ daily lives and do not restrict carbon-intensive practices. In contrast, intentional communities base their interventions on the collective creation of shared visions, decisions, and rules and thus provide social and material structures, which foster everyday low-carbon practices and discourage carbon-intensive ones. The paper discusses the relevance of organizational and governance structures for implementing different types of low-carbon measures and points to opportunities for broadening current policy strategies. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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ISSN: 20711050
DOI: 10.3390/su10041047
Database: Complementary Index