The future of literary archives: diasporic and dispersed collections at risk: edited by David C. Sutton with Ann Livingstone, Leeds, Arc Humanities Press/Amsterdam University Press, 2018, xi + 166 pp., £75 (e-book), e-ISBN 9781942401582.

Bibliographic Details
Title: The future of literary archives: diasporic and dispersed collections at risk: edited by David C. Sutton with Ann Livingstone, Leeds, Arc Humanities Press/Amsterdam University Press, 2018, xi + 166 pp., £75 (e-book), e-ISBN 9781942401582.
Authors: Berry, Charlotte
Source: Archives & Records; Spring2020, Vol. 41 Issue 1, p82-85, 4p
Subject Terms: AUTHOR archives, NONFICTION
Reviews & Products: FUTURE of Literary Archives: Diasporic & Dispersed Collections at Risk, The (Book)
People: SUTTON, David C., LIVINGSTONE, Ann
ISSN: 23257962
DOI: 10.1080/23257962.2019.1700357
Database: Complementary Index