Academic Journal

Thermochemical and Economic Analysis for Energy Recovery by the Gasification of WEEE Plastic Waste from the Disassembly of Large-Scale Outdoor Obsolete Luminaires by LEDs in the Alto Alentejo Region (Portugal).

Bibliographic Details
Title: Thermochemical and Economic Analysis for Energy Recovery by the Gasification of WEEE Plastic Waste from the Disassembly of Large-Scale Outdoor Obsolete Luminaires by LEDs in the Alto Alentejo Region (Portugal).
Authors: Hermoso-Orzáez, Manuel Jesús, Mota-Panizio, Roberta, Carmo-Calado, Luis, Brito, Paulo
Source: Applied Sciences (2076-3417); Jul2020, Vol. 10 Issue 13, p4601, 24p
Abstract: Featured Application: Energy recovery of agroforestry waste mixed with industrial plastic waste through gasification processes. The recovery of urban waste is a social demand and a measure of the energy-environmental sustainability of cities and regions. In particular, waste of electrical origin, waste of electrical and electronic materials (WEEE) can be recovered with great success. The plastic fraction of these wastes allows their gasification mixed with biomass, and the results allow for producing syngas with a higher energy potential. This work allows for obtaining energy from the recovery of obsolete materials through thermochemical conversion processes of the plastic waste from the disassembly of the luminaires by mixing the said plastic waste in different proportions with the biomass of crop residues (olive). The gasification tests of these mixtures were carried out in a downstream fixed-bed drown daft reactor, at temperatures of approximately 800 °C. The results demonstrate the applied technical and economic feasibility of the technology by thermal gasification, for the production of LHV (Low Heating Value) syngas with highest power energy (more than 5 MJ/m3) produced in mixtures of up to 20% of plastic waste. This study was complemented with the economic-financial analysis. This research can be used as a case study for the energy recovery through gasification processes of plastic waste from luminaires (WEEE), mixed with agricultural biomass that is planned to be carried out on a large scale in the Alentejo (Portugal), as a solution applied in circular economy strategies. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Subject Terms: PLASTIC scrap, BIOMASS gasification, PLASTIC scrap recycling, INDUSTRIAL wastes, WASTE recycling, ECONOMIC research, ENERGY crops
Geographic Terms: PORTUGAL
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ISSN: 20763417
DOI: 10.3390/app10134601
Database: Complementary Index