Lost languages of the Peruvian north coast: por Matthias Urban, Berlín: Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut, 2019, 311 pp. (ISBN 9783786128267).

Bibliographic Details
Title: Lost languages of the Peruvian north coast: por Matthias Urban, Berlín: Ibero-Amerikanisches Institut, 2019, 311 pp. (ISBN 9783786128267).
Authors: Ciudad, Luis Andrade
Source: Colonial Latin American Review; Sep2021, Vol. 30 Issue 3, p473-475, 3p
Subject Terms: LANGUAGE & languages, NONFICTION
Geographic Terms: NORTH Coast (N.S.W.)
Reviews & Products: LOST languages of the Peruvian north coast (Book)
People: URBAN, Matthias
ISSN: 10609164
DOI: 10.1080/10609164.2021.1947578
Database: Complementary Index