Academic Journal

Methyl Group Metabolism in Differentiation, Aging, and Cancer.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Methyl Group Metabolism in Differentiation, Aging, and Cancer.
Authors: Erichsen, Lars, Thimm, Chantelle, Santourlidis, Simeon
Source: International Journal of Molecular Sciences; Aug2022, Vol. 23 Issue 15, p8378-8378, 20p
Abstract: Methyl group metabolism belongs to a relatively understudied field of research. Its importance lies in the fact that methyl group metabolic pathways are crucial for the successful conversion of dietary nutrients into the basic building blocks to carry out any cellular methylation reaction. Methyl groups play essential roles in numerous cellular functions such as DNA methylation, nucleotide- and protein biosynthesis. Especially, DNA methylation is responsible for organizing the genome into transcriptionally silent and active regions. Ultimately, it is this proper annotation that determines the quality of expression patterns required to ensure and shape the phenotypic integrity and function of a highly specialized cell type. Life is characterized by constantly changing environmental conditions, which are addressed by changes in DNA methylation. This relationship is increasingly coming into focus as it is of fundamental importance for differentiation, aging, and cancer. The stability and permanence of these metabolic processes, fueling the supplementation of methyl groups, seem to be important criteria to prevent deficiencies and erosion of the methylome. Alterations in the metabolic processes can lead to epigenetic and genetic perturbations, causative for diverse disorders, accelerated aging, and various age-related diseases. In recent decades, the intake of methyl group compounds has changed significantly due to, e.g., environmental pollution and food additives. Based on the current knowledge, this review provides a brief overview of the highly interconnected relationship between nutrition, metabolism, changes in epigenetic modifications, cancer, and aging. One goal is to provide an impetus to additionally investigate changes in DNA methylation as a possible consequence of an impaired methyl group metabolism. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Subject Terms: METHYL groups, METHYLATION, FOOD additives, DNA methylation, METABOLISM, PROTEIN synthesis, CELL metabolism
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ISSN: 16616596
DOI: 10.3390/ijms23158378
Database: Complementary Index