Academic Journal

Plant-Derived Antimicrobial Peptides: Novel Preservatives for the Food Industry.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Plant-Derived Antimicrobial Peptides: Novel Preservatives for the Food Industry.
Authors: Baindara, Piyush, Mandal, Santi M.
Source: Foods; Aug2022, Vol. 11 Issue 16, p2415-N.PAG, 21p
Abstract: Food spoilage is a widespread issue brought on by the undesired growth of microbes in food products. Thousands of tons of usable food or food products are wasted every day due to rotting in different parts of the world. Several food preservation techniques are employed to prevent food from rotting, including the use of natural or manufactured chemicals or substances; however, the issue persists. One strategy for halting food deterioration is the use of plant-derived antimicrobial peptides (AMPs), which have been investigated for possible bioactivities against a range of human, plant, and food pathogens. The food industry may be able to benefit from the development of synthetic AMPs, produced from plants that have higher bioactivity, better stability, and decreased cytotoxicity as a means of food preservation. In order to exploit plant-derived AMPs in various food preservation techniques, in this review, we also outline the difficulties in developing AMPs for use as commercial food preservatives. Nevertheless, as technology advances, it will soon be possible to fully explore the promise of plant-derived AMPs as food preservatives. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Subject Terms: FOOD preservatives, ANTIMICROBIAL peptides, FOOD industry, FOOD preservation, FOOD spoilage, PEPTIDE antibiotics
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ISSN: 23048158
DOI: 10.3390/foods11162415
Database: Complementary Index