Dougla in the twenty-first century: adding to the mix: by Sue Ann Barratt and Aleah N. Ranjitsingh, Mississippi, University Press of Mississippi, 2021, pp. 234, US$ 99.00, ISBN 9781496833709 (hardcover).

Bibliographic Details
Title: Dougla in the twenty-first century: adding to the mix: by Sue Ann Barratt and Aleah N. Ranjitsingh, Mississippi, University Press of Mississippi, 2021, pp. 234, US$ 99.00, ISBN 9781496833709 (hardcover).
Authors: Singh, Kavita Ashana
Source: South Asian Diaspora; Sep2022, Vol. 14 Issue 2, p184-186, 3p
Subject Terms: TWENTY-first century, POLARIZATION (Social sciences), GOVERNMENT policy, NONFICTION
Reviews & Products: DOUGLA in the 21st Century: Adding to the Mix (Book)
People: BARRATT, Sue Ann, RANJITSINGH, Aleah N.
ISSN: 19438192
DOI: 10.1080/19438192.2021.2007448
Database: Complementary Index