Helen M. Kingston: ABC of Clinical Genetics (3rd edn): BJM Books, ISBN 0727916270, softcover, £17.95.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Helen M. Kingston: ABC of Clinical Genetics (3rd edn): BJM Books, ISBN 0727916270, softcover, £17.95.
Authors: Rankin, Julia
Source: Human Genetics; Mar2003, Vol. 112 Issue 3, p321-321, 1p
Abstract: Reviews the book "ABC of Clinical Genetics," 3rd ed., by Helen M. Kingston.
Subject Terms: MEDICAL genetics, NONFICTION
Reviews & Products: ABC of Clinical Genetics (Book)
People: KINGSTON, Helen M.
ISSN: 03406717
DOI: 10.1007/s00439-002-0879-z
Database: Complementary Index