Academic Journal

Keelepuude märkamine kakskeelsetel lastel: eestikeelse lausete järelekordamise testi prooviuuring.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Keelepuude märkamine kakskeelsetel lastel: eestikeelse lausete järelekordamise testi prooviuuring. (Estonian)
Authors: Padrik, Marika, Vihman, Virve-Anneli, Fil, Olga
Source: Estonian Journal of Education / Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri; 2022, Vol. 10 Issue 2, p305-333, 29p
Subject Terms: CHILDREN'S language, LANGUAGE disorders, LANGUAGE ability, LANGUAGE & languages, AGE of onset, SECOND language acquisition
Alternate Title: Identifying developmental language disorders in bilingual children: a pilot study for developing an Estonian sentence repetition task. (English)
Company/Entity: EUROPEAN Union
Abstract (English): The identification of language impairment in bilingual children is less straightforward than in monolingual children, as can be seen from misdiagnoses leading to either over- or under-representation in speech and language therapy. Based only on the child's second language, it is difficult to form an expert opinion on the cause of language difficulties: language impairment can be overlooked if difficulties are assumed to come from second language learning, or difficulties with second language learning can be mistakenly ascribed to language impairment (Marinis et al., 2017; Paradis et al., 2021). Bilingual children's language development differs from monolingual development and involves greater variability, due to factors such as age of onset, length of exposure and quantity and quality of input. Moreover, bilinguals should be assessed in both of their languages. A lack of bilingual norms and standardised tools for the assessment of bilinguals is an obstacle to accurate identification and timely intervention. Based on tools developed by the international LITMUS research network (Language Impairment in a Multilingual Society, initially formed through the European Union's COST programme) for assessing bilingual children across many languages (see Armon-Lotem et al., 2015;, this study aims to develop the first version of a sentence repetition assessment in Estonian. More specifically, the study sets forth the goal of identifying which sentence structures and sentences are suited for a sentence repetition task designed to assess children's language processing abilities, in order to identify developmental language disorder (DLD) among bilingual children. In order to be suited for the task, specific sentences and sentence structures must be shown to be feasible for typically developing (TD) bilingual children, and must enable differentiation between TD and DLD bilinguals. We set out the following research tasks and hypotheses: Task 1. To compare sentence repetition accuracy among 5 to 6-year-old TD and DLD monolinguals and bilinguals and determine which sentences and sentence structures are appropriate for the test. Hypothesis 1: Bilingual children were expected to perform with lower accuracy than monolingual children. Hypothesis 2: Bilingual children were expected to have greater difficulty with sentence structures which occur less frequently in the input and place greater demands on language processing. These include complex sentences with subordinate clauses and sentences with complex grammatical forms. Hypothesis 3: Monolingual DLD children were expected to have lower scores on the task than monolingual TD children, and bilingual DLD children were expected to score lower than bilingual TD children. Previous results are mixed regarding whether sequential TD bilinguals should be expected to score higher or lower than age-matched monolingual DLD children (see Hallap et al., 2014; Morgan et al., 2013; Orgassa & Weerman, 2008). In summary, we expected the following results: monolingual TD > bilingual TD; monolingual TD > monolingual DLD; bilingual TD > bilingual DLD; bilingual TD > monolingual DLD (no hypothesis formulated). Task 2. To identify changes to be made in the task. The final version of the task will include 30 sentences for norming, selected on the basis of results of the longer initial version. Sentences will be selected based on those for which (a) bilingual TD children scored with high accuracy; (b) bilingual DLD children performed more poorly, making it possible to differentiate between bilingual TD and DLD. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Abstract (Estonian): Keelepuude märkamine kakskeelsetel lastel on keeruline: lapse raskusi põhjendatakse kakskeelsusega või kakskeelsele lapsele omast arengut peetakse keelepuudeks. Vaja on objektiivseid hindamisvahendeid. Uuringu eesmärk on selgitada välja lausemallid ja laused laste keeletöötlusvõimet hindava lausete järelekordamistesti jaoks. Testis sisalduvad laused peavad olema jõukohased kakskeelsetele lastele ning arvestama keelepuudega lastel eesti keeles avalduvaid eripäraseid raskusi. Valimi moodustasid 76 last vanuses 5.0-6.11, kes jagunesid nelja rühma: eakohase arenguga ükskeelsed (29), vene-eesti kakskeelsed (20), keelepuudega ükskeelsed (20), keelepuudega kakskeelsed (7). Prooviuuringu tulemusel valiti testi loomise järgmisse etappi 14 mallist 10 (igas 3-4 lauset). Lisaks annab artikkel õpetajatele kasulikku teavet 5-6aastaste kakskeelsete laste süntaktiliste oskuste kohta. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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ISSN: 2346562X
DOI: 10.12697/eha.2022.10.2.11
Database: Complementary Index