Academic Journal

Raising Healthy Children: Promoting the Multiple Benefits of Green Open Spaces through Biophilic Design.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Raising Healthy Children: Promoting the Multiple Benefits of Green Open Spaces through Biophilic Design.
Authors: Russo, Alessio, Andreucci, Maria Beatrice
Source: Sustainability (2071-1050); Feb2023, Vol. 15 Issue 3, p1982, 21p
Abstract: Several studies have indicated that children who grow up in green environments enjoy beneficial impacts on their development. However, to date, very little attention has been paid to the types and characteristics of dedicated public open green space for children. In addition, studies on biophilic design that could help landscape architects to design open spaces for children are limited. In order to fill this gap, this perspective examines the scientific literature on the relationship between open spaces and children. The authors specifically discuss and analyze the following points: (1) pathways to and effects on children's health and well-being; (2) types and characteristics of open spaces for child-dedicated facilities (e.g., schools, hospitals, fitness camps, playgrounds, etc.), as well as for child-friendly urban open spaces. Finally, the authors provide inspiring examples and case studies of biophilic design for children's health and well-being. Conclusions from this perspective show that biophilic design could benefit both the physical and mental health of children, as well as improve children's overall resilience to pandemics and other diseases. This perspective provides, for the first time, new insights for designing biophilic and child-friendly cities, and explores areas of future research. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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ISSN: 20711050
DOI: 10.3390/su15031982
Database: Complementary Index