Academic Journal

Exercise Intervention for Bone Metastasis: Safety, Efficacy and Method of Delivery.

Bibliographic Details
Title: Exercise Intervention for Bone Metastasis: Safety, Efficacy and Method of Delivery.
Authors: Duong, Huong, Walker, Meegan, Maugham-Macan, Michelle
Source: Cancers; Mar2023, Vol. 15 Issue 6, p1786, 12p
Abstract: Simple Summary: This paper reviews the current literature on the safety of exercise for patients with bone metastases. It compares the effectiveness of in-person vs. remote delivery of exercise intervention and reports on adverse outcomes such as fractures in these studies. Background: The benefits of exercise for patients with cancer are well-established, however, for patients with bone metastases, exercise as adjuvant therapy is underutilised due to concerns for safety, efficacy and other barriers such as the method of delivery. This scoping review explores these barriers by reviewing the results of clinical trials conducted on participants with bone metastases. Methods: A thorough literature search was undertaken using PubMed, Scopus, NIH Clinical Trials and Google Scholar databases. Articles that involved an exercise intervention and patients with bone metastases were included. Data were pooled, charted, analysed and reported according to PRISMA-ScR standards. Results: A total of 26 trials were reviewed with interventions that included aerobic and resistance training. Only three serious adverse events occurred, not likely related to bone metastases. Nine trials (34.6%) involved unsupervised exercise sessions. Remote exercise delivery had an average of 80.3% compliance, rivalling in-person and mixed supervision. The results of this review reaffirm that exercise helps improve functional capacity, muscle strength, lean mass and cardiovascular function, and is safe in patients with bone metastases irrespective of in-person or remote delivery. Conclusions: Exercise therapy, whether delivered in person or remotely, is safe and efficacious for patients with bone metastases. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Subject Terms: RESISTANCE training, AEROBIC exercises, FUNCTIONAL status, LEAN body mass, EXERCISE, BONE metastasis, MUSCLE strength, PATIENT safety, BONE fractures, DISEASE risk factors
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ISSN: 20726694
DOI: 10.3390/cancers15061786
Database: Complementary Index